Frequently asked questions
Are you a fiduciary?
Absolutely. As fiduciaries, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care and loyalty to our clients, ensuring that all advice we provide is aligned with your best interests. Our compensation is derived entirely from client fees, without any investment commissions, guaranteeing that our recommendations remain impartial and focused solely on your financial well-being, without bias towards any specific products, funds, managers, or strategies.
How do I access my accounts?
To view your investment accounts, simply log in through your custodian's website. At DuCharme Wealth Advisors, we don't hold your assets directly. Our partnership with reputable financial institutions means your assets are held by a qualified custodian, which we manage on your behalf under a detailed comprehensive portfolio management agreement. Additionally, we offer account aggregation and financial planning services to enhance your experience and provide a holistic view of your financial landscape.
What is discretionary management?
In the management of your accounts, we typically operate on a discretionary basis. This approach involves forming a comprehensive insight into your unique investment aspirations, risk preferences, and overall goals to establish a guiding investment policy. With this foundation, we proactively manage your portfolio's day-to-day investment decisions, aligning with your best interests without needing to consult you for each transaction. To keep you informed, we deliver detailed monthly reports on your portfolio's performance and any adjustments made.
What types of investments should I expect?
The world of investments is dynamic and expansive. Our strategy focuses on minimizing costs through direct investment in individual securities, rather than relying on third-party management. Your portfolio could encompass a variety of assets, including publicly traded stocks, exchange-traded products, government securities, corporate bonds, and alternative investments like options, hedge funds, commodity pools, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Each portfolio is thoughtfully tailored to align with your unique financial circumstances.
How am I billed?
The structure of your fees is detailed in the agreement you signed with us. For our comprehensive portfolio management services, fees are automatically deducted from your investment accounts at the start of each month, in advance. For financial planning and consulting services, you'll receive a direct invoice via email, which you can pay online or set-up auto-pay at your convenience. If we manage retirement accounts sponsored by your current employer, those fees will be charged to a separate account you've designated.
What if I need to withdrawal or deposit?
If you need to make a withdrawal or deposit, we suggest getting in touch with our office for assistance. Alternatively, you can manage these transactions directly through your custodian's website for convenience. For ease of transfers, your investment accounts are typically linked to your chosen bank account via ACH, ensuring quick and secure transactions.
How long is my contract?
You have the flexibility to end your association with DuCharme Wealth Advisors, LLC at any moment, as there are no binding contract periods. Should you decide to terminate, any fees paid in advance will be proportionally refunded based on the services rendered up to that point.